Easy Dropdown Menu - Documentation

Easy Dropdown Menu - Documentation




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Easy Dropdown Menu Documentation: Get Started


Edit Mode Macro

The Edit Mode Macro renders the currently chosen option/s in view mode, but the option/s can only be selected in edit mode.



Not Predefined Macro

The Not Predefined Macro gives you the possibility to directly configure your option set and renders a drop-down in view mode.


Predefined Macro

The Predefined Macro also renders a drop-down, but lets you use predefined option sets that you configured in the space and global configurations of the plugin.


Status Macro

The Status Macro uses predefined status sets that you can configure for colors, texts and styling in the space and global configurations. It replaces the basic confluence status macro.


Admin Guide

Space and Global Configuration

On the Space and Global Configuration you can create Predefined and Status sets.

Create a new Text Set

  1. Create a new text set by pressing the + button in the Predefined Sets section.

  2. Enter the name of your set in the Set Name input field.

  3. To create your options for your set, press the + icon and enter the option value in the input field.

  4. If you are finished, then save the newly created set by clicking the Save button in the dialog.

At the end your text set could look like this:


Create a new Status Set

  1. Create a new text set by pressing the + button in the Status Sets section.

  2. Enter the name of your set in the Set Name input field.

  3. To create your options for your set, press the + icon and enter the option value in the input field.

  4. Then click on the pencil icon to change the color of the option.

  5. If you are finished, then save the newly created set by clicking the Save button in the dialog.

At the end your text set could look like this:



Use Cases

Filtering with the Page Properties Report Macro

You can just place the EDM macros inside the page property macro. (Works with every EDM Macro)

After that, it will automatically index the values. This will allow you to filter for the values in the page property report macro.

EDM All Dropdowns

Filter by value for all Dropdown macros

EDM Dropdown

Filter by value for Easy Dropdown Menu Predefined, Not Predefined and Edit-Mode macros

EDM Dropdown Fuzzy

Filter for a rough match by value for Easy Dropdown Menu Predefined, Not Predefined and Edit-Mode macros

EDM Status

Filter by value for Easy Dropdown Menu Status macros

EDM Status Fuzzy

Filter for a rough match by value for Easy Dropdown Menu Status macros

Filtering with the Confluence Advanced Search

Currently the search of dropdown macros or values through the Confluence Advanced Search is not supported. However, you are able to make the CQL search in the URL. Navigate to the Confluence Advanced Search page.

Query for EDM Macros

Modify the URL to filter for your desired macro:




Edit Mode Macro


Not Predefined Macro


Predefined Macro


Status Macro


Query for EDM Values

Modify the URL to filter for your desired values:



Property Name

Edit Mode Macro


Not Predefined Macro


Predefined Macro


Status Macro


All EDM Macros


Add label

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