Navigation Bar
General Information
Creator of the Project | $$Current_User$$ |
Date of Creation | $$Current_Date$$ |
Time of Creation | $$Current_Time$$ |
Page Properties
Project Information
Project-Title | $$ProductionOrder$$ |
Summary | $$summary$$ |
Project Manager | $$manager$$ |
Customer | $$customer$$ |
Due-Date | $$dueDate$$ |
Priority |
Project-Status |
Outsourced |
Child pages | Child pages (Children Display) |
Page Properties
PTC Placeholder Configuration
PTC Placeholder Configuration
PTC Placeholder Configuration
PTC Placeholder Configuration
PTC Placeholder Configuration
To set up an order for Materials: (this button will take you directly into edit mode)
PTC Create Page Tree Button
Machines Needed:
PTC Create Page Tree Button
To outsource the project:
PTC Create Page Tree Button